EOTEC DevNet Community of Practice Meetings

If you are engaged in Earth Observation training, education, and capacity building – join upcoming meetings (online discussions) of regional Communities of Practice (CoP) to…

Workshop on EO for Hydrology in Africa

This workshop aims to enhance collaboration between EO data providers and African hydrological institutions. After consolidating user needs, discussion will focus on a roadmap for…

ESSL-EUMETSAT Annual Forecaster Event 2024

We present MTG related information relevant to forecasters: The status of the MTG commissioning (Stephan Bojinski, EUMETSAT) The ESSL Testbed 2023 in review and learnings…

EUMeTrain Weather Briefing

Once a month EUMeTrain organizes a Weather Briefing open to everyone to discuss the present weather situation. The basis of the discussions are todays satellite…