
Looking for training? Or want to learn from peers about best practices in capacity building?
Explore the Learn pages to find valuable information and resources.

©ESA–Manuel Pedoussaut, 2017

Stay up-to-date with the latest on Earth observation capacity building. Search this section for upcoming training, conferences, workshops, and more.

©Photo by CDC on Unsplash

Earth observation information and data help make our world safer, more resilient and more sustainable. Learn about real-world applications of Earth observation information in these Use Cases. 


Unlock the potential of Earth observation with our collection of tools and products, many of them developed by EOTEC DevNet partners and members. Discover cutting-edge solutions, along with resources to build your capacity to use them.


Drawing on the experience and expertise of our global network, EOTEC DevNet promotes best practices in Earth observation Capacity Building. In this section, find guidance, reports and other documents to enhance your skills in Earth observation.

At quarterly Community of Practice meetings, webinars and other events, EOTEC DevNet brings capacity building practitioners together to share their lessons learned. Missed a meeting?  No worries! Find the recordings in this section.