Remote Sensing for Mangroves in Support of the UN Sustainable Development Goals
This 3-part series (November 5, 12, 19) focuses on mapping and monitoring mangroves and how it relates to UN sustainable development indicator 6.6.1: Change in…
This 3-part series (November 5, 12, 19) focuses on mapping and monitoring mangroves and how it relates to UN sustainable development indicator 6.6.1: Change in…
This short online course is part of a new series of open, online short courses on data discovery for weather, oceanography, air quality and climate…
With the end of the MODIS data record approaching, it is important that current MODIS users transition to VIIRS data and visualization tools. As they…
This short online course is part of a new series of open, online short courses on data discovery for weather, oceanography, air quality and climate…
The University of Costa Rica (UCR) in San Jose, Costa Rica is hosting a virtual satellite workshop in Spanish for participants from the Latin America…
This webinar will present the physical basis of cloud electrification and lightning formation, showing the need for total lightning information in real time and how…