En la 2ª sesión de la XVI reunión de la CIMHET, organizada de forma online el martes 7 de julio de 2020, se acordó la…
En la 2ª sesión de la XVI reunión de la CIMHET, organizada de forma online el martes 7 de julio de 2020, se acordó la…
Clear communication of information is fundamental for the receptor to understand it and use it adequately.This course is focused on the basic concepts of communication…
Ce cours de formation en ligne sur le traitement des données satellitaire utilisant les données satellitaires géostationnaire (GEO) et satellite en orbite polaire (LEO) sera…
This 2- part training, developed and presented by members of the POPGRID Data Collaborative, will focus on the different global population grids and their application…
Predicting weather phenomenon with reasonable accuracy crucially depends on the Numerical weather prediction with its all components, starting from data assimilation, physical parameterization, numerical integration,…
This HIW course is an online course for EUMETCAL and will focus on the use of a particular forecasting method based on Doswells ingredient-based forecasting…