4th edition of the DLR/ESA open PolInSAR training course
This is an online, hands-on course that aims to develop an understanding of the information content of multi-parameter SAR data in an interactive way, covering…
This is an online, hands-on course that aims to develop an understanding of the information content of multi-parameter SAR data in an interactive way, covering…
The Information Communication and Instrumentation Training Centre (ICITC), RTC New Delhi is offering a refresher training programme to the departmentals / extradepartmental personnel working as…
This session will focus on how to use the latest new features of EUMDAC (https://eumetsatspace.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/EUMDAC/overview) and is scheduled on Thursday 10 November 2022, 13:00-14:00 UTC…
In 2013 EUMeTrain first organized its first Marine training course, using synchronous activities and supported by a Moodle platform. In 2015, 2017 and 2019 other…
The 7th International Distance Training Course on Tropical Cyclone Monitoring and Forecasting will be held by WMO Regional Training Centre-Beijing (RTC-BJ/CMATC) from 24 October to…
Los sensores de Radar de Apertura Sintética o SAR (por sus siglas en inglés) son ideales para el monitoreo de ciertos desastres o áreas que…