In many countries, users have difficulty accessing and applying EO datasets, models, and tools. EOTEC’s theme-based trackers aim to address that challenge by capturing available tools and related capacity building resources in one place. Their purpose is to help users determine which tools to use based on their needs and circumstances.
These trackers were created with the support of the CEOS Systems Engineering Office and contributions from members of EOTEC’s communities of practice and thematic working group. Users can keep these trackers current by adding new tools and capacity building resources.

Flood Tools Tracker
EOTEC DevNet’s tool tracking capacity building resources for flooding.

Needs Assessment Guidance (in development)
What are the best approaches to assessing the capacity of an institution to use Earth information? EOTEC is trying to shed light on that question.

Drought Tools Tracker (in development)
EOTEC is developing a drought tools tracker similar to the flood tools tracker. A first step is the creation of a matrix to capture drought-related