The September 18-19 EOTEC DevNet CoP meetings will focus on the Earth Observation Maturity Indicators (EOMI) for assessing national EO capacity, featu…
This post provides key highlights and updates from the EOTEC DevNet Flood Working Group meetings held on July 17 and 18, focusing on advancements in f…
Learn about interesting new work on getting flood forecasts to decision-makers in Nigeria; early action on flood warning in Peru, and improved integra…
This post summarizes the key highlights and action items from EOTEC DevNet's June 19-20 Regional Community of Practice Task Team meetings, focusing on…
Capacity building plans and activities including inclusion strategies will be the themes of the June 19/20 meetings of EOTEC DevNet’s regional Commu…
In recognition of Desertification and Drought Day, EOTEC DevNet is proud to co-host, in collaboration with the United Nations Convention to Combat Des…