Assigning weight to questionnaire survey collected from experts & policymakers

  • Assigning weight to questionnaire survey collected from experts & policymakers

    Posted by Dr. Asmat Ali on September 20, 2023 at 3:44 pm

    hi, Greetings from Pakistan. I prepared a questionnaire about factors affecting agriculture policies. The respondents included technical experts and policymakers. How to assign weight to the input obtained from both? Possibilities i) equal weight ii) more weight to policymakers iii) more weight to technical experts. Needless to say, policymakers may not have in-depth scientific knowledge. Similarly, technical experts may not have knowledge related to public policy domain. Please share your knowledge and experience to handle this dilemma. Thanks

  • 1 Reply
  • Martyna Stelmaszczuk-Górska

    September 26, 2023 at 2:03 pm

    Absolutely, thank you for bringing up this question. While my experience in this area is not extensive, it’s worth noting that the weighting largely depends on the primary objectives of your assessment. A balanced approach assigns equal importance to both technical and policy perspectives, while an adaptive approach allows you to adjust weights based on the specific subject matter. I’d really appreciate insights from other colleagues who have more experience in this field @MarkH @LucaBrocca . What are your recommendations? Thank you again for your question!

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