August 2, 2021

WMO Marine Services Course for the Pacific Islands

The goal of the online course is to promote best practices for Impact-Based Forecasting for marine customers, with a focus on familiarization and effective implementation of the regulations for provision and continuous improvement of marine meteorological services. The purpose is to help WMO Members to improve marine meteorological service delivery by:
1) Increasing their understanding of the needs of clients (e.g. at sea or along coasts) who use marine weather information for protection of property and safety of life at sea; 
2) Raising awareness and understanding of the regulations outlined in WMO documents relevant to marine and coastal service, especially WMO-No. 558: Manual on Marine Meteorological Services to effect successful implementation of WMO requirements for marine meteorological services; and
3) Guiding the use and implementation of the WMO regulations and service delivery framework outlined in WMO documents relevant to marine and coastal service, especially  WMO-No. 471: Guide to Marine Meteorological Services.

Location: Online Course
Host: WMO
Type: Online Course
Language: en