November 13, 2023

WMO-GAW Hands on training on air quality prediction and forecasting for Africa

A comprehensive training school on air quality prediction and forecasting for African applications is being organised under the auspicious of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Global Atmospheric Watch (GAW) programme. It will be held at the Egyptian Meteorological Authority (EMA), Cairo in the week of 13th of November 2023. To help us tailor the training course to your needs, we are seeking your views in the form of a short questionnaire.

While the overall aim of the training is to strengthen local capacity on air quality prediction and forecasting, the course will also cover related areas and your responses will assist us to plan and deliver the training course by targeting your needs and those of your organisations. By giving us your details and your responses, you will be kept fully updated and you will receive all details to register and participate in the training school. You will also have the opportunity to participate in a two-day workshop on air quality science for Africa that will be held in conjunction with the training school. More details on the science workshop will be provided separately.

Location: Cairo, Egypt (Africa)
Host: Egyptian Meteorological Authority (EMA)
Type: Workshop
Language: en