April 24, 2018

WMO Education and Training Opportunities (2018)

This announcement includes a wide range of education and training opportunities which WMO plans to support during the year 2018. Members interested in nominating suitable candidate(s) are required to review the “Compendium of WMO fellowships and training opportunities”, and follow the instructions carefully. The Compendium can be downloaded from the link below: http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/dra/documents/Compendium-2018.pdf

Before submission of nominations, it is suggested that the “Guide on nominations for fellowships and training” in Annex A and the “Criteria on Award of Fellowships and Training Sponsorships” in Annex B should be carefully read. As a further guide on choice of institutions for your candidate(s), it is suggested that attention be paid to the partners listed in Annexes C, D and E, which respectively contain fellowships and training opportunities available from institutions, countries and WMO RTCs that have entered into special agreement with WMO.

Location: (Europe, Americas, Asia & Oceania, Africa)
Host: WMO Fellowship Partners
Type: Classroom Course
Contact: fel@wmo.int
Language: en, es, fr, ot, ru, zh