February 13, 2025

Use of EUMETSAT MTG FCI and LI data and products in weather monitoring and nowcasting

MTG is one of the most complex and innovative geostationary meteorological satellite systems ever built. The complete constellation consists of three spacecraft: two imaging satellites and one sounding satellite.

The first imaging satellite, MTG-I1 is now operational under the name Meteosat 12. The satellite carries two important instruments – Flexible Combined Imager (FCI), a successor of SEVIRI on MSG, and a Lightning Imager (LI), the first space-based instrument monitoring lightning occurrence over Europe, Africa and South America from geostationary orbit.

One of the biggest benefits from MTG observations is the improvement to nowcasting, or very short-range forecasting. Forecasters should now able to track the development of storms in near-real time with better accuracy, issue more precise and timely warnings about severe and dangerous weather events but also monitor fog development and dissipation, dust outbreaks, forest fires and many other features.

The webinar will offer a short introduction of the FCI and LI, acquisition of data and description of baseline products, followed by the demonstration of the application of FCI and LI products in selected cases.

Webinar will be presented by Natasa Strelec Mahovic, Vesa Nietosvaara and Ivan Smiljanic (EUMETSAT). It will take place on Thursday 13 Feb 2025 at 12:00 UTC / 13:00 CET. It is free and open for everyone.

Location: Online Course
Type: Online Course
Contact: info@eumetcal.eu