The 7th International Distance Training Course on Tropical Cyclone Monitoring and Forecasting will be held by WMO Regional Training Centre-Beijing (RTC-BJ/CMATC) from 24 October to 4 November 2022, with supports from World Meteorological Centre-Beijing (WMC-BJ).
The course aims to offer knowledge and skills of typhoon monitoring and forecasting, and enhance the trainees’ understanding of the application of meteorological satellite products and ensemble forecast products in supporting typhoon monitoring and forecasting operations.
The course will include an overview of the recent progress on typhoon monitoring, forecasting and warning; the application of meteorological satellite products in typhoon forecasting operations, the intensity analysis of Typhoon (Dvorak technique), the probabilistic forecast of typhoon genesis and the application of ensemble prediction product based forecasting of landing typhoon associated precipitation and typhoon tracks.
The training course includes:
1) Tropical cyclone observation and forecasting techniques;
2) New technical application in the study of tropical cyclones;
3) Introduction to tropical cyclone impact and the associated assessment;
4) Application of satellite remote sensing on the monitoring of tropical cyclones;
The training course will be delivered via recorded lectures, live lectures, and online discussions. Participants are also invited to give presentations on the Participants’ Forum and the closing ceremony.
All the course materials will be uploaded on the website ( Participants should follow the website instructions to take the recorded and live lectures. Participants will be encouraged to discuss the topics presented and actively participate in the live lectures, and it is worth reminding that a minimum of 3 hours studying time per day will be needed during the training course because a series of live lectures will be offered besides the recorded lectures. Participants who have completed all the training activities as required will be issued a digital certificate by CMATC/WMO RTC Beijing.
Participants are requested to submit the completed Application Form ( no later than 19 October 2022. The accepted applicants will receive the admission notices with Certificate-path Enroll Key endorsed by CMATC. The printed version is not accepted.