June 18, 2018

Tehran IPCC Outreach Event

The IPCC national focal point in Iran has invited IPCC Bureau members to hold a IPCC outreach event to highlight the most recent findings of the IPCC, as well as to present the work plan for the Sixth Assessment cycle and create synergies between academia, NGOs and policymakers regarding actions to tackle climate change in Central and West Asia. This event will present the activities and findings of the IPCC and the production of the Sixth Assessment cycle. It will raise awareness, especially among policymakers, about the IPCC the work plan, priorities and findings and enlist the participation of the local science and research community in climate research and encourage regional contribution to the work of the IPCC.

Location: Tehran(Asia & Oceania, Europe)
Type: Conference
Contact: affairs.intl@gmail.com
Language: en