September 29, 2019

Significant Hazards Satellite Applications Short Course

This course will demonstrate the holistic application of the NOAA and EUMETSAT integrated constellation of Geo and Leo satellites focused on addressing the use of satellite data and products to help decisionmakers in their response to natural disasters. Attendees will be given general overview of the current state of NOAA and EUMETSAT’s primary Geostationary (GOES-R) and Polar-Orbiting (JPSS) Satellite Programs and their capabilities. Attendees will receive instruction to help them better understand the operational application of satellite data and products to support key NOAA and EUMETSAT stakeholder missions. Presentations will be tailored for attendees with all levels of satellite knowledge by everything from basic satellite principals to advanced user applications.

Location: Boston, United States (Americas)
Type: Classroom Course
Language: en