The Information Communication and Instrumentation Training Centre (ICITC), RTC New Delhi is offering a refresher training programme to the departmentals / extradepartmental personnels working as scientist / meteorological technicians/operators. It will be five working days short-term training course starting from 19.06.2023, which will be helpful to the professionals to improve their skills as well as refresh the subject. The schedule of the training programme will be sent to the official well in advance. The mode of the training programme is online only. The subjects taught are broadly “Surface Instruments” like the barograph,the pressure tube anemograph,distant indicating wind equipment, natural siphon recording rainguage, Airport Instruments, current weather panel, distant recording,tipping bucket rainguage, ceilograph, flanningo ( skopo-II), their uses and significance along with trouble shooting and calibration techniques. For more information and instructions on how to apply for this course, please contact