The Information Communication and Instrumentation Training Centre (ICITC), RTC in India (New Delhi) is offering a refresher training programme to personnel working as meteorological technicians/operators. It will be five working days short-term training course “Fundamental of AI/ML” starting from 27.05.2024, which will be helpful to the professionals to improve their skills as well as refresh the subject. The schedule of the training programme will be sent to the participants well in advance. The delivery mode of this training programme is online only. The subjects taught are Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, Problems, Problem Spaces and Search. Intelligent Agents , Uncertainty and Knowledge Reasoning, Bayes’ Rule ,Bayesian network in Weather Forecasting, Introduction to Machine Learning, Machine Learning Pipeline, Machine Learning in meteorology, Introduction to Supervised Learning, Introduction to Unsupervised Learning and Challenges of Machine Learning in meteorology. For more information about the course and instructions to apply, please contact Ms. Suman Gujar at