October 24, 2022

SELPER/CEOS WGCapD Training Course – Remote Sensing Applications to Floods, Droughts, and fires (Spanish)

The course is offered on the occasion of the XX International Symposium of SELPER.

It includes theory and practical sessions on the use of Copernicus Sentinel data for natural hazard detection and monitoring, including floods, droughts, and wildfires.

Location: Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico (Americas)
Host: WGCapD, SELPER, ESA, UANL, DLR, CONAE, ASI, NASA, NOAA, CONABIO, CRECTEALC, UNAM, Humboldt Institute, SERVIR, , and the United States (NASA, NOAA) (CONABIO, Mexico Campus of CRECTEALC, UNAM, FIC, Humboldt Institute, EO College, and Universidad de Guanajua
Type: Blended Course
Contact: martin.phillipsen@ext.esa.int
Language: en, es