October 18, 2022

RGB Developers Workshop

NOAA, CIRA, EUMETSAT, and WMO are co-hosting an RGB Developers and Users Workshop on Oct. 18-20, 2022, at the Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere in Fort Collins, Colorado, USA. It will be an in-person event, with a portion of the workshop being available for virtual participation. Intended participants include those users, trainers, and developers with RGB expertise. The last RGB Experts and Developers Workshop was held in Tokyo, Japan, November 2017. Since that time, NOAA and International Weather Service forecasters have adopted the use of RGB displays from the GOES-R ABI and Himawari AHI, in addition to VIIRS and other platforms. Our colleagues continue to develop new RGBs and learn new RGB applications from various platforms and apply them to MTG FCI and EPS-SG METimage moving forward. The primary goal of this workshop will be to share knowledge on RGB applications.

More details such as the objectives of the workshop and travel logistics can be found on the Workshop Webpage here: https://www.cira.colostate.edu/conferences/rgb_workshop/

Please use this link to register for the workshop by August 31, but it would be most helpful if you could register ASAP: https://forms.microsoft.com/r/2p0CUbU3dG

You’ll notice that the workshop is somewhat non-traditional in that Day 2 will be an “Open Space” format, described in the agenda. The reason for this is to avoid falling into the “death by powerpoint” trap that these types of meetings tend to do, and instead encouraging as much discussion and problem-solving as possible. There will be time allotted for some attendees to present and share new and interesting findings/information, but given this format we likely won’t have formal presentations from everyone.

Location: Fort Collins, USA (Africa, Americas, Asia & Oceania, Europe)
Type: Workshop
Contact: training@eumetsat.int
Language: en