The 2019 Winter Weather Course offers a unique, operationally-oriented learning experience that matches training to the realities of the forecasting environment. Participants will be immersed in interactive activities focused on addressing key forecasting challenges, including but not limited to diagnosis of complex, multi-scale weather processes, model initialization assessment and model agreement. Satellite analysis techniques will feature prominently in the diagnosis and model assessment sessions. These topics and more will be examined in the context of winter weather case studies and laboratory exercises.
Participants will interact closely with experts in the field. They will be able to build connections and network with other meteorologists internationally, as the course frequently includes forecasters from Asia, Canada, Europe and the USA, as well as instructors from universities and national hydrometeorological services.
Moreover, the course is designed for early to mid-career forecasters, and is aligned with the WMO PWS Competency Framework for Forecasters.
This year’s course is offered in a blended online-residence format. Participants may register for the online component only, or the combined online and residence session experience.
A tentative schedule is listed below:
Online Component
Sept. 1 – Oct. 4
Asynchronous Prerequisite readings and self-paced lessons
Asynchronous Course Pre-test Completion
Oct. 7 – Oct. 8
Synchronous webinars (times TBD)
Asynchronous assignment completions
Oct. 16 – Oct. 18
Synchronous webinars (times TBD)
Asynchronous assignment completions
Receive graded feedback
Oct. 20 – Oct. 26
Receive graded feedback
Optional synchronous webinar/discussion (day & time TBD) for online-only participants
*Notes: Attendance at synchronous webinars is highly encouraged; however, all synchronous webinars will be recorded for those who cannot attend.
Residence Component
Oct. 28 – Nov. 1
Daily laboratory exercises, discussions and forecasting simulations.
*Notes: Residence experience is held in Boulder, CO, USA at UCAR’s Center Green Campus.
Post-Course Component
Nov. 2 – Nov. 16
Asynchronous Course Post-Test (all)
Optional asynchronous online discussions (recommended for online-only)
Nov. 17 – Jan. 18
Optional knowledge booster questions
Jan. 19 – Jan. 31
Optional workflow integration assignment
Optional synchronous workflow integration webinar
*Notes: Online-only and combined online-residence participants encouraged to attend webinars
If you are interested in attending or would like more information, please contact Bryan Guarente with the COMET Program (