May 24, 2022

Measuring Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide from Space in Support of Climate Related Studies

CO2 monitoring from space is becoming an increasingly important and relevant capability in support of climate studies and to inform policy decisions. This introductory four-part webinar series will provide an overview of atmospheric carbon dioxide measurements from space with the OCO-2 and OCO-3 satellite missions. It will include a theoretical portion that will describe the instrument, how the measurement is made, and the characteristics, limitations and validation of the measurement. There will be a discussion of the type of climate studies that such measurements can support. There will also be a practical session where participants will learn how to access, search, filter and display XCO2 data using Jupyter Notebook.

Relevant UN Sustainable Development Goals:
• Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

Course Dates: May 24, 26, 31, and June 2

Location: Online Course
Host: NASA Applied Remote Sensing Training Program (ARSET)
Type: Online Course
Language: en, es