February 9, 2021

Mapping and Monitoring Lakes and Reservoirs with Satellite Observations (Feb 9, 16, 23)

Freshwater lakes and reservoirs are used for drinking water, fishing, and recreational activities. This training focuses on introducing remote sensing observations for monitoring the water level of lakes; a critical surface water component affecting the residential, economical, and recreational sectors in the area. Recent observations of lake bathymetry based on remote sensing observations will also be presented.

This is a 3-day training offered on February 9, 16, & 23, 2021.

An identical session will be offered from 10:00-11:30 AM and 16:00-17:30 PM EST (UTC-5) on each day of the training.

Location: Online Course
Host: NASA Applied Remote Sensing Training Program (ARSET)
Type: Online Course
Contact: brock.blevins@nasa.gov
Language: en