May 28, 2018

International Training Course on Climate impacts: assessment and communication

As part of the project entitled, Training Program on Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction in Agriculture (PACC/RRC), the general goal of this third training course is to strengthen the capacities of CILSS/ECOWAS Member Countries in developing effective climate services for Climate Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation. The specific objective of the Course is to strengthen the capacity of national technical services on for a better assessment of climate change and its impacts on agriculture and water resources and the consolidation of a network among scientific and technical institutions to work on shared methodologies and to create an objective and harmonized base of information. The aim is to transfer and share the know-how, to expand cooperation in sensitive areas to national and regional levels and to promote exchanges and collaboration through the application of research products and operational tools.

Location: Florence, Italy (Africa)
Type: Blended Course
Language: en