October 9, 2023

International Distance Training Workshop on Management and Leadership for Senior Management of NMHSs

Workshop Description
The workshop is aimed to enhance the participants’ knowledge in the following fields: management and leadership in the NMHS, WMO global strategy, global meteorological governance, and meteorological service. The workshop is also intended to improve the accuracy and sensitivity of meteorological decision-making.

Workshop Content
The workshop includes:
▪Exploration and practice of China’s emergency management system construction;
▪International cooperation of China Meteorological Administration (CMA);
▪Case study on meteorological services;
▪Meteorology Plus – Meteorology as an Enabler in Other Sectors.

Course Organization
The training workshop will be delivered via recorded lectures, live lectures, and online discussions. Participants are also invited to give live presentations on the Participants’ Forums. All the workshop materials will be uploaded on the website (http://mooc.cmatc.cma.cn). Participants should follow the website instructions to learn from the recorded lectures and join the live lectures. Participants will be encouraged to discuss the topics presented and actively participate in the live lectures.

Senior experts from WMO, China National Academy of Governance, CMA National Meteorological Information Centre, CMA Training Centre, etc. The workshop will be conducted in English.

Application and Participation
1)Participants are requested to submit the completed Application Form ( https://forms.office.com/r/NSvfBvFbr7).
2)The participants are required to finish all the coursewares and quizzes. Participants who have completed all the training activities as required will be issued a digital certificate by CMATC/WMO RTC Beijing. And for those who deliver the presentations on the Forums or submit detailed summary reports, the Certificate of Outstanding Performance will be issued.
3)Please pay attention to the training website for updated information.
4)The distance training course is free of charge.

Location: Online Course
Host: China Meteorological Administration Training Centre (CMATC/WMO RTC-Beijing)
Type: Online Course
Contact: applycmatc@cma.gov.cn
Language: en