July 4, 2022


Courses Description
The course is aimed to enhance the participants’ understanding of agricultural meteorological services and related policies in China. It will also improve their skills of agrometeorological measurements and instrumentations, and the use of analytical tools and methods for agricultural meteorology such as crop yield prediction, disaster monitoring, crop modelling etc. There will also a Participants’ Forum on the agricultural meteorological services in different countries, and participants will be invited to share their knowledge and experiences on local agrometeorology research and services on this forum.

Course Content
The training course includes:
▪A brief introduction to agricultural meteorological services in China and related agriculture policies;
▪Climate data use for crop planning and climatic risk assessment, such as agroclimatic regionalization;
▪Introduction to crop simulation modelling and the relationship between atmosphere, vegetation and soil;
▪Climate hazards and meteorological disasters’ impact on crop production, such as droughts, floods and hail;
▪Remote-sensing measurements by radar and satellite application in agrometeorology;
▪Theoretical and practical aspects of electronic circuits and various sensors and equipment used in agrometeorological observation, such as Duvdevani dew gauges, sunshine recorders and pyranometers, lysimeters and soil thermometers.

Expected Learning Outcomes
After the course, the participants are expected to:
1)know more about China’s agriculture policies and agricultural meteorological services;
2)describe the interactions between weather/climate and agriculture for both crop production and agriculture practices;
3)better understand the meteorological and climatological factors affecting the frequency and severity of a wide rage of hazards faced by agricultural production;
4)improve their practice skills of measuring the various weather parameters required for agrometeorological activities;
5)apply the tools in preparing different agrometeorological products for use by the farming community.

Target Audience
Officials, specialists, forecasters engaged in agrometeorology and disaster risk management at National Hydrological and Meteorological Services or equivalent institutions.

Course Organization
The training course will be delivered via recorded lectures, live lectures, and online discussions. Participants are also invited to give presentations on the Participants’ Forum. All the course materials will be uploaded on the website (http://mooc.cmatc.cma.cn/course/prev.php?id=65&lang=en).
Participants should follow the website instructions to learn from the recorded lectures and join the live lectures. Participants will be encouraged to discuss the topics presented and actively participate in the live lectures. Participants who have completed all the training activities as required will be issued a digital certificate by CMATC/WMO RTC Beijing.

The course will be conducted in English.

Senior experts from China Meteorological Administration (CMA), National Meteorological Centre, Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, CMA Training Centre, etc.

Application and Participation
1)Participants are requested to submit the completed Application Form (https://forms.office.com/r/STkkvCJmss) no later than 29 June 2022. The accepted applicants will receive the admission notices with Certificate-path Enroll Key endorsed by CMATC.
2)The participants are required to finish all the coursewares and quizzes. Each participant who has completed all the training courses will be issued a digital certificate of the participation by CMATC/WMO RTC Beijing.
3)Please pay attention to the training website for updated information.
4)The distance training course is free of charge.

Deadline for Application
Participants should finish the online application form no later than 29 June 2022. The printed version is not accepted

Contact Persons
Attn: Ms. HAN Guolin, Ms. DENG Jingmian
Tel: +86-10-6840 7396, +86-10-6840 9467
E-mail: applycmatc@cma.gov.cn
WMO Regional Training Centre Beijing
China Meteorological Administration Training Centre
46 Zhongguancun Nandajie, Beijing 100081, P.R.China

Location: Online Course
Host: China Meteorological Administration Training Centre (RTC-Beijing)
Type: Online Course
Contact: applycmatc@cma.gov.cn
Language: en