June 5, 2019

Integrating Remote Sensing into a Water Quality Monitoring Program

With a focus on integrating NASA Earth observations into water quality monitoring decision making processes, this advanced webinar series will include a brief overview of data products used for water quality monitoring, an overview of aquatic remote sensing-specific criteria, methods and best practices, obtaining NASA Earth observation data for water quality monitoring, and practical skill building in image processing for water quality monitoring of coastal and larger inland water bodies. Weekly, two hour webinars will include lectures, hands-on demonstrations, written instructions to conduct exercises, and a question and answer session. After the third part, participants are invited to participate in an optional, additional two-hour period of unstructured “laboratory” time. Participants will have the opportunity to work on exercises and submit questions to the instructors.

Location: Online Course
Host: NASA Applied Remote Sensing Training Program (ARSET)
Type: Online Course
Contact: brock.blevins@nasa.gov
Language: en