June 16, 2022

II Efficient Meteorological Communication

Module 1 (Online) – 5 classes (12 to 15 UTC) on the following days: Thursday (June 16, 23 and 30); Tuesday (June 21 and 28):
1.1 – History of Meteorological Communication;
1.2 – Accessibility of Meteorological information;
1.3 – Communication Fundamentals for Meteorology;
1.4 – Meteorology and Media.
Module 2 (Face-to-face) – 3 classes lasting 5 hours on July 6, 7 and 8 at INUMET:
2.1 – Practices Synchronous activities classes;
2.2 – Lives with meteorology and communication professionals;
2.3 – Technical readings;
2.4 – Textual and audio-visual production practices.
For application instructions, please contact mquadro@ifsc.edu.br

Location: Montevideo, Uruguay (Africa, Americas)
Host: Instituto Uruguayo de Meteorología (INUMET)
Type: Blended Course
Contact: mquadro@ifsc.edu.br
Language: es