This training session series is purposely designed for the scientists and developers of the Hellenic National Meteorological Service. The series aims to explore the features of the European Weather Cloud (EWC) and provide an in-depth explanation of the EUMETSAT Data Access Services, such as Data Store, Data Tailor, and EUMEView. A dedicated session on the EUMETSAT Data Access Client CLI and Python library is included.
The series is structured as follows:
1. First Session: Fundamental of the EWC and its user interface, Morpheus;
2. Second Session: Demonstration of the use of Morpheus by creating and managing Virtual Machines, S3 Buckets, NFS, and Block Storage;
3. Third Session: Using the EWC: an external perspective. (This session involves a guest speaker chosen from the EWC users)
4. Fourth session: How to use EUMETView’s latest features. This includes GUI, APIs, and direct application to GIS;
5. Fifth session: How to use the Data Store GUI and APIs;
6. Sixth session: How to use the Data Tailor GUI and APIs;
7. Seventh session: How to use EUMETSAT Data Access Client (EUMDAC).
All sessions, except for the third, are divided into a theoretical introduction, a demonstration of the services, and a Q&A. The third session includes an introduction and a presentation from a guest speaker.