Meteorological Training Institute, IMD, Pune component of RTC India, regularly organizes Forecaster’s Training Course (A BIP-M training) in the integrated disciplines of Meteorology. The forthcoming batch (No-198) of this course will be conducted in Physical / Hybrid mode. This course is of 6 months’ duration (2 months E learning + 4 months class room teaching in Physical / Hybrid mode). If the trainees are not present physically in Pune, they will attend the training online from their respective offices where they are posted. Mid Term Examination on E learning portion and at the end of the course final exam is hold, which consists of written exam and Viva-Voce. Trainees need to qualify each and every subject. Following subjects are being covered: 1. E Learning: Dynamic Meteorology, Numerical weather prediction, Physical Meteorology, Physical Oceanography, Synoptic Meteorology, Aviation Meteorology, Climate science, Statistics, Hydrometeorology, Satellite Meteorology Radar Meteorology, Computer programming & application. 2. Class room Teaching (Physical /Hybrid mode) will start from 10.06.2024: Dynamic Meteorology, Numerical weather prediction Physical Meteorology, Physical Oceanography, Synoptic Meteorology, Aviation Meteorology, Climate science, Statistics, Hydrometeorology, Satellite Meteorology Radar Meteorology, Computer programming & application. For information on how to apply to attend this course, please contact