The objective of this online event is to enhance the participants’ understanding about the requirements to receive data through the EUMETCast-Satellite and EUMETCast-Terrestrial systems in the near future, as well as to raise awareness for the new data coming from the third generation of meteorological satellites (MTG-I). During this webinar participants will be able to:
– Understand the evolutions on EUMETCast-Europe Service
– Understand what is EUMETCast terrestrial – how can it be used
– Understand the common challenges in countries to get prepared for next generation of satellites and try to find solutions through the exchange of knowledge between participants from neighbouring countries
– Acquire a basic understanding of visualization and processing aspects of MTG-I FCI Level 1 and LI Level 2 data
– Be aware of data rates and volumes
– Understand the data format and compression schema
– Be aware of some open-source software options for data processing and visualization (pytroll/satpy and Jupyter notebooks examples)