KNMI is redesigning its warning system. Nowadays KNMI uses a hybrid way of issuing warnings. For the less severe warnings (yellow), the system is criteria based, warnings with increased severity (orange/red) are increasingly impact based. For this way of warning there is a close cooperation with the Civil Protection Authorities on national level. The new system will endure in this philosophy but will however try to weigh meteorology and impact as independent variables. With use of an online objective impact tool, warnings will be weighed by an impact team and finally a waring will be issued.
Another aspect of the new system will be the essence of Early Warnings, where it is the ambition to alert both the general public as the professional users a week in advance. Also the next generation warnings will be more regionalized on a scalable level of detail (from province to municipality) given the interest of the user.
In the end it also requires new skills of the forecasters in the change of mind to communicate not what the weather will be, but what the weather will do.