September 26, 2023

EROS User Experience Webinar Series: Landsat: Products & Services from the USGS

The USGS EROS User Experience Webinar series includes presentations about data products as well as useful tools and services that impact users of data accessed from the USGS EROS archive.

The next webinar in the series, “Landsat: Products & Services from the USGS” will be held Tuesday, September 26, 2023, from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. CDT.

Since 1972, the joint USGS/NASA Landsat series of Earth Observation satellites have continuously acquired images of the Earth’s land surface. Eight satellites have added more than 11 million Level-1 scenes, all of which are available to download at no charge to users. Landsat products are used to monitor, assess, and project how changes in land use, land cover, and land condition affect people and nature.
Current products available include, Level-1 (scaled calibrated radiance), Level-2 (atmospherically corrected global surface reflectance and surface temperature), Level-3 Science Products (Dynamic Surface Water Extent, Factional Snow-Covered Area, Burned Area) and U.S. Analysis Ready Data (ARD). Landsat products can be downloaded or accessed via EarthExplorer, Amazon Web Services (AWS) Commercial Cloud, Machine to Machine Application Programming Interface (API), GloVis, LandsatLook Viewer, and the Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Science Processing Architecture (ESPA) on demand interface.

Host: USGS
Type: Other
Language: en