June 22, 2023

Data Access Services – How to use the Data Store and Data Tailor through Web User Interface

This series of 30-minute sessions is designed to support the transition from the EUMETSAT Data Centre in favour of the Data Store. This particular session focuses on using the EUMETSAT Data Store and Data Tailor Web User Interfaces. Due to the reduction of products in the Data Centre, this session will be a great opportunity to remove any technical challenges in using the Data Access Services GUIs. Please, read more information about the transition here: https://eumetsatspace.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/EUM/blog/2023/03/22/1965359114/Switching+the+data+access+from+the+Data+Centre+to+the+Data+Store+for+faster+delivery+times.

The session will last 30 minutes approximately.

We encourage you to post your questions on sli.do ( https://app.sli.do/event/flsdivtc ) so that we can adapt the content of the next session to answer them!

The sessions are open to all and address a wide range of attendees, from service providers to scientists and forecasters. Registration via Zoom is required.

Location: Online Course
Type: Online Course
Contact: noemi.marsico@external.eumetsat.com