June 1, 2011

Course: Satellite Image Interpretation

The course will start with describing the characteristics of the various sensing channels available on Meteosat Second Generation (MSG). The limitation and the applications of each sensing wavelength will be lectured and in this respect also the importance of weighting functions will be explained.

There will be a series of lectures in which the different MSG channels are combined to produce rich RGB images which are directly linked to the relevant specific meteorological applications. Besides there will be a series of lectures in which different derived products from the Satellite Application Facilities (SAF) are introduced. These will include the Nowcasting SAF, Ocean and Sea Ice SAF and the Land SAF.

The course is designed for operational forecasters and meets the competencies written down by WMO. During several stages of the course the student will be tested through online questionnaires. When the student can sufficiently demonstrate that he or she masters the material a cerificate will be issued. The course fee will amount ?1000 per student.

Registration of this course will open at 15 March 2011.

Location: Online Course
Host: EUMeTrain
Type: Online Course
Contact: info@eumetrain.org
Language: en