October 21, 2022

CEOS Jupyter Notebooks Day – Supporting Global Best Practice and Training

The CEOS Working Group on Capacity Building and Data Democracy and the Working Group on Information Systems and Services ran a joint webinar on Jupyter Notebooks for Capacity Development. The aim of this webinar was to introduce space agencies and environmental organisations worldwide to Jupyter Notebooks and take a tour of emerging services from CEOS Agencies and their applications. We illustrated how Jupyter Notebooks can be used to support capacity development and the exploitation of Earth Observation data by a broad range of users.

We surveyed the registrants of the event and they responded with 2 key requirements
– The development of a Jupyter Notebooks Best Practice
– Jupyter Notebooks based training
This event is a working meeting to facilitate solutions to those needs

Agenda (Times in UTC)

14:00 – 15:30 Round Table Part 1
15:30 – 15:45 Break
15:45 – 17:00 Round Table Part 2
17:00 -18:00 Break
18:00 – 19:00 Best Practice Review
19:00 – 20:00 Joint training discussion

Type: Conference, Workshop
Contact: esther.conway@stfc.ac.uk
Language: en