September 10, 2018

Capacity Development in Impacts-based Forecasts and Warnings and CAP Workshop in RA-III

The aim of this workshop is to build capacity in RIII on IBF&CAP to reduce risk of disaster, in response to Decision 4 “Impact Based Decision Support Services” (EC-69), considering G-MAS will implement a demonstration project in South America, and as a follow up of the online workshop 2017 ” Meteorology in the framework of DRR”, RTC argentina SMN. this workshop will focus on: CAP, Countries IBF Status, Impact Survey: types and format of sources, basis integration, data validation, Building data matrix for IBF Developing thresholds according to impact, Integration of forecast with vulnerability exposure and impact, Communicating impact forecast, among others.

Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina (Americas)
Host: RTC Argentina -Servicio Meteorológico Nacional (SMN)
Type: Workshop
Language: es