August 10, 2020

AWS for meteorological observers

Meteorological observers are involved in the provision of meteorological observations registered by instruments which range from conventional to automatic. The extent of automation of observing and sensing systems requires the observer to acquire new skills in monitoring the performance of instruments and systems to maintain the quality of observational information. In this course observers will become familiar with the components and functioning of AWS; they will also practice in interpreting data from AWS and detecting errors.

Los observadores meteorológicos proveen información meteorológica registrada por una variedad de instrumentos con ditintos grados de automatización, Necesita adquirir nuevas habilidades respecto al monitoreo del funcionamiento de las Estaciones Automáticas y su mantenimiento.en este curso el observador se familiarizará con las componentes de la AWS, la interpretación de los datos y la detección de errores.

Location: Online Course
Host: RTC-SMN Argentina
Type: Online Course
Language: es