Host: U.S. EPA, in partnership with the NASA Applied Remote Sensing Training Program (ARSET).
Instructors: Melanie Follette-Cook, Pawan Gupta, Carl Malings, Sarah Strode
This is an in-person training to be held March 21-23, 2023, in Triangle Park, Raleigh-Durham, NC.
This training will cover the applications of Earth observations for decision making activities. Lectures exercises will highlight applications related to air quality monitoring, forecasting, smoke, fire, PM2.5 monitoring, image interpretation, and data access for modeling efforts. To conclude the training, participants will complete a case study that incorporates all data portals, tools, and relevant data. Participants will apply this to properly identify, track, and measure air quality events of their choosing. This will also allow them to assess the strengths and weaknesses of these data products.
There is no registration fee, but ARSET does not provide support for transportation, housing, or any other logistics.
AgendaComputer and software Requirements Data and Scripts Case Study Document
Link to Drive Folder with Code