July 9, 2024

ARSET – Applications of Carbon Dioxide Measurements for Climate-Related Studies

Space-based CO2 measurements have become an important capability in support of climate studies and to inform policy decisions. This intermediate, three-part webinar series will build on the previous CO2 training from 2022, providing a more in-depth review of OCO-2 and OCO-3 measurements along with demonstrations of case-studies. The latter will focus on how to read, visualize and interpret the data, how to account for quality flags in an analysis, how to use the data from the OCO missions to analyze impacts of an El Niño event on atmospheric CO2 and carbon sources and sinks, and how to examine spatial variations of CO2 over a metropolitan area. The demonstration will be conducted using Jupyter Notebook.

This training is also available in Spanish.

Register 12:00-14:00 EDT (UTC-4)


Host: NASA Applied Sciences