December 11, 2023

Agriculture Meteorology for supporting crop production – Third edition of the International Advanced School of Agricultural Meteorology

n line with its mission, the Italian Association of Agrometeorology, AIAM, in collaboration with CNR-IBE, designated as WMO Regional Training Center in Italy, WMO-RTC, and the Earth Science Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, ESI-SAS is proud to announce the Third Edition of the International Advanced School in Agricultural Meteorology “Agricultural Meteorology for supporting crop production”. The school is organized with the support of COST-CA20108, and the technical cooperation of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization FAO, and its main aim is to provide young researchers and professionals with up-to-date knowledge on the most advanced methods and innovative technologies applied to crop production.

Crop production and natural resource management need innovative approaches to cope with climate challenges and geopolitical crises that increasingly threaten agriculture. Agrometeorology, through the development of new information, knowledge, and innovative tools, can mainstream science into operational agriculture. The aim of the school is to facilitate participants in increasing their knowledge of scientific results and advanced technologies for agrometeorological analysis and monitoring, as well as the application of innovative tools for crop production in a climate crisis. The active participation of the trainees will facilitate interdisciplinary networking with experts

– Crop risk information and monitoring system
– Crop modelling: the APSIM solution
– Biogeochemical modelling, climate and microclimate
– Precision farming solutions: the Ploovium experience
– Monitoring soil moisture from space, a key variable for hydrological and agricultural applications: background and practical exercises
– Open access of Remotely sensed derived data for monitoring water productivity: the FAO WaPOR platform

Trainers are world-class experts from the Institute of Meteorology and Climatology (BOKU-Met) of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences – Wien, Austria; the Earth Science Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences; the National Research Council of Italy; Ploovium by Soonapse – Italy; International Agencies: UN FAO, and European Cooperation in Science and Technology, COST.

The School is designed primarily for professionals, young researchers and scientists, PhD and graduate students, engaged and interested in the application of advanced agrometeorological methodologies and techniques.

– Council for Agricultural Research and Economics (CREA-PB)
– University of Florence-DAGRI
– National Research Council of Italy, Institute of Bioeconomy (CNR-IBE)
– COST-CA20108
– Accademia dei Georgofili
– Foundation for Climate and Sustainability (FCS)
– Rete Rurale Nazionale

Filiberto Altobelli, CREA-PB and AIAM
Marina Baldi, WMO-RTC and CNR-IBE
Anna Dalla Marta, University of Florence-DAGRI and AIAM
Federica Matteoli, FAO
Pavol Nejedlik, ESI-SAS
Federica Rossi, CNR-IBE and AIAM
Francesca Ventura, University of Bologna-DISTAL and AIAM

Location: Bratislava, Slovakia (Africa, Americas, Asia & Oceania, Europe)
Host: Slovak Academy
Type: Classroom Course
Language: en