November 23, 2020

“AGRICULTURAL METEOROLOGY FOR A CLIMATE SMART AGRICULTURE” – First edition of the International Advanced School of Agricultural Meteorology

********************* IMPORTANT NOTE:

Due to the situation determined by COVID19 emergence, the school will be delivered online 08-19 March 2021.

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Since its foundation in 1997, AIAM has been involved in enhancing and promoting agrometeorological research through conferences, seminars, and training courses. It also acts as a link between the services and research activities. This connection has the result of promoting researches on relevant agrometeorological themes, which are internationally disseminated through the Italian Journal of Agrometeorology.
As part of its mission, AIAM is proud to launch the First Edition of the International Advanced School in Agricultural Meteorology, aiming to build up knowledge about the use of integrated tools and advanced technologies for a sustainable management of agroecosystems.

The 2020 edition, co-organized with WMO-RTC and FAO, is focused on the role of Agricultural Meteorology for a Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA), and wants to provide young researchers and professionals with high-level innovative knowledge and skills on the most advanced technologies for the agrometeorological analysis and monitoring applied to a sustainable agricultural development under climate change.

In order to facilitate participants to increase their knowledge on how Agricultural Meteorology can contribute to a Climate Smart Agriculture, the school will include theoretical activity and practical sessions to allow the direct application of theoretical concepts through the use of advanced tools, and the analysis of case studies. The active participation of the trainees is necessary to facilitate the realization of an interdisciplinary partnership among technicians and scientists.
A large spectrum of topics will be covered by the course:
• Climate Smart Agriculture concept and the 5 step-process to CSA implementation
• Eddy Covariance and flux measurement techniques in the agricultural ecosystem: briefing on theory, experimental design and implementation
• Climate information Services, Early Warning Systems and Early Action
• European Space Agency (ESA) facilities and tools: Copernicus, databases, instruments/tools
• Extreme events, risk reduction
• Index based insurance
• Climate Change, Agriculture, and Food Security

Location: Online Course
Host: Course hosted online by National Research Council in Roma – Italy
Type: Online Course
Language: en