August 7, 2018

Advanced Webinar: Radar Remote Sensing for Land, Water, & Disaster Applications

A limitation of optical satellite remote sensing is that it depends on cloudless, well-illuminated areas to produce quality data. This is especially problematic for collecting data during nighttime or when there is cloud cover. Radar is an ideal sensor to study the surface of the Earth because of its ability to “see” through clouds regardless of day or night conditions. In addition, the radar signal can penetrate through the vegetation canopy and provide information about conditions underneath, such as flooding. Techniques such as interferometry can track surface deformation on the order centimeters, such as ground movement caused by earthquakes.

This webinar series builds on ARSET’s previous webinar: Introduction to Synthetic Aperture Radar. The training will focus on different radar approaches and techniques including amplitude, time-series, polarimetry, and interferometry for mapping and monitoring disasters and land cover. Attendees will apply these techniques to map land cover and land use change, deforestation, flooding, crop monitoring, and surface deformation for earthquake monitoring.

Location: Online Course
Host: NASA Applied Remote Sensing Training Program (ARSET)
Type: Online Course
Language: en, es