April 15, 2019

Advanced Webinar: Investigating Time Series of Satellite Imagery

Evaluation of satellite imagery for an area over time can be used to identify trends and changes. This type of time series analysis can be used to assess forest disturbance, land cover changes, vegetation health, and agriculture monitoring and expansion. NASA Earth observations can provide long-term records from Landsat, and frequent imagery from sensors including MODIS. This training will focus on two tools, AppEEARS from the LPDAAC and LandTrendr via Google Earth Engine (GEE). AppEEARS enables users to integrate point or polygon ground-based data with satellite imagery. The GEE implementation of LandTrendr enables users to analyze land cover dynamics, including short-term disturbances and long-term trends. Both sessions will feature a lecture, followed by time for hands-on exercises and questions.

Location: Online Course
Host: NASA Applied Remote Sensing Training Program (ARSET)
Type: Online Course
Contact: brock.blevins@nasa.gov
Language: en