May 20, 2019

Advanced Agrometeorology

The training course “Advanced agrometeorology” is organized by the World Meteorological Organization Regional Training Center in Italy operated by the Institute of Biometeorology of the National Research Council (CNR-IBIMET) and financed by FAO under the projects GCP/MOZ/112/LDF, “Strengthening capacities of agricultural producers to cope with climate change for increased food security through the Farmers Field School approach” and GCP /ANG/050/LDF “Integrating climate resilience into agricultural and agro-pastoral production systems through soil fertility management in key productive and vulnerable areas using the Farmer Field School approach” (IRCEA).

The objective of this capacity building training course is to increase the technical capacity of the Angola and Mozambique countries to produce agro-climatic information and services for rainfed agriculture and to provide appropriate support to use this agroclimatic information to enhance the decision-making processes related to rainfed agriculture.

The training will consolidate a network among technical institutions to work on shared methodologies and to create an objective and harmonized base of information. The aim is to transfer and share the know-how on agrometeorological analysis, to expand cooperation in sensitive areas to national and regional level and to promote exchanges and collaboration.

Location: Florence, Italy (Africa)
Host: CNR-IBE – WMO-RTC Italy
Type: Classroom Course
Language: en