This Training shall be conducted in two phases: (1) Self learning (2) Class room contact Phase .(1) Self learning (phase-I): This phase shall start from 03/10/2023, during which participants need not to be physically present at the training Centre class room, rather participants have to make self-study from their own working places only. Soft copy of study material for this phase shall be made available sent to the nominated / selected candidates by email / through training website. (2) Class room learning phase shall start from 29 / 11 / 2023 during which phase all participants have to be physically present in the class room ICITC (RTC NEW DELHI). During first week of this phase, doubts of the participants on self-learning portion shall be cleared, followed by written test on the same in the second week. Formal training on class room contact phase shall start on 29/11/2023 and shall be winded up on 28/03/2024. During which there will be class room teaching, On the Job Training, project work, trip to international airport site, written exam theory papers, project presentation followed by Viva-voce at the finishing stage. The subject shall be taught are Surface Instruments, upper air Instruments, Aviation Instruments, environmental monitoring instruments, Network security software , devices & application , Geographical information system ( GIS), Server Management, Web designing, Radar, Satellite Meteorological Instruments, Meteorological Instruments & Information Systems. For more information about the course and instructions on how to apply, please contact Ms Samanti Sarkar at