August 30, 2021

A Short-term Tailor-made Customized Training Workshop on Impact Based Weather Services

Meteorological Training Institute, IMD, Pune component of RTC India, regularly organizes short –term Refresher courses/ Training Workshops on Aviation Meteorology, NWP, Instrument maintenance & calibration and Weather Forecasting etc. This time MTI is organizing 6 days Short-term Tailor-made Customized Training Workshop on Impact Based Weather Services. Previously, such refresher courses / Training Workshops have been conducted as a class room course / workshop only, by direct physical presence of resource personnel and the participants. However, due to the threat of COVID 19, the forthcoming Training Workshop on Impact Based Weather Services shall be conducted via distance learning (on line/off line both) mode only.
Modas operandi for running this workshop is given below: I. for Classes a) Distance learning shall have both online and offline facilities. b) A common WhatsApp platform, consisting of all nominated participants, heads of offices of respective participants, Head MTI, course officer / coordinator / assistant and all resource personnel, shall be created. c) All lectures shall be delivered online using Skype. To enable participants to avail the benefits of live online lectures, parent office of individual participant may be requested to kindly arrange desktop/laptop PC with webcam & headphone for those, who doesn’t have these items personally. d) Creation of Google classroom consisting of different classes. All resource personnel shall be requested to kindly upload their lecture /teaching /training materials under concern classes in the Google class room, before they take online classes using skype. e) Online lecture of each class shall be recorded and same shall be uploaded in Google classroom. This arrangement shall facilitate the trainees to access the lecture offline also, in case failed to attend online class due to technical problems. f) Class time table and other training related circulars/notices shall be uploaded in the Google class room as well as in the common WhatsApp platform. Through WhatsApp platform individual resource personnel can notify participants on class related matter.
Maximum Intake capacity for overseas participants is 10 on the basis of first come first serve.

Location: Pune, India (Asia & Oceania)
Host: Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government of India
Type: Other
Language: en