October 31, 2023

7th WCC-SF6 Training and Education Course

The 7th WCC-SF6
Training and Education Course will be held from 31st
October to 2nd November 2023 at the invitation of the
World Calibration Centre for SF6 (WCC-SF6) at the
National Institute of Meteorological Sciences (NIMS)
under the Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA).
The course is designed to share theories and practical
techniques for the observation of key greenhouse gases
and tracers at stations. The course will also include an introduction to QA systems and activities of WCC-SF6 under the WMO/GAW programme, and lessons from GHGs measurement networks such as AGAGE, GGGRN,and ICOS. To attend the event, please register at https://forms.gle/w2256GVrNDnnncAL7

Location: Online Course
Host: National Institute of Meteorological Sciences (NIMS)
Type: Online Course
Contact: soojeonglee@korea.kr
Language: en