July 17, 2023

2023 International Conference on CMAS-Asia-Pacific and related training

2023 International Conference on CMAS-Asia-Pacific

First two days are for the training:
Objective: To learn the significance, concepts, structures, and various applications of CMAQ.

Contents (tentative)
Day 1
Significance of air quality modeling
CMAQ concept
CMAQ structure
CMAQ options and configurations
Features of the latest version
Required inputs for CMAQ
CMAQ output utilization
Demonstration of CMAQ installation and execution
Common error and solution

Day 2
Air pollution mechanism
Source sensitivity and apportionment
Multiscale modeling
Meteorology and air quality coupling
SIP demonstration

Conference Theme:

“One atmosphere in Asia-Pacific region – multi-scales, multi-interactions, and multi-effects –”.

To achieve this goal, we will open the following sessions:

-Ozone and PM2.5 pollution in Asia-Pacific region
-Updating of air quality modeling
-Multi-scale modeling applications and evaluation
-Emission inventory
-Linkage between air quality and climate
-Multi-effects and policy making

For instructions on how to register, please see https://confit.atlas.jp/guide/event/cmas2023/static/general_info

Location: Saitama, Japan (Asia & Oceania)
Host: National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES), Japan
Type: Workshop
Contact: mmgao2@hkbu.edu.hk
Language: en