CM-SAF Training Workshop
The 2011 CM SAF Workshop will take place from 17 to 21 October 2011 at the DWD Meteorological Training and Conference Centre (BTZ) in Langen,…
The 2011 CM SAF Workshop will take place from 17 to 21 October 2011 at the DWD Meteorological Training and Conference Centre (BTZ) in Langen,…
CALMet is a forum to share experiences, expectations, and new ideas for applying emerging strategies for meteorology and hydrology education and training. The conference provides…
Workshop on Tools for Forecasting High Impact Weather at EMS Conference
Workshop to explore the different methods of training done in EUMeTrain and how this can help other projects such as the SAFs to meet their…
During the workshop, satellite applications for the analyses of land surface processes related to drought and vegetation fires will be covered by the distinguished lecturers.