Convection Working Group meeting

The Convection Working Group meeting has been co-organized with the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute, and will be hosted by the Institute of Atmospheric Physics. A number…

Eumetcal VII Workshop

The Eumetcal training workshop will be held in Exeter, UK, on a kind invitation by UK Met Office. The workshop will take place 5-8 March…

5th International Verification Methods Workshop

The 5th International Verification Methods Workshop will highlight recent advances in the theory and practice of verification of weather and climate forecasts worldwide. The workshop…

CM-SAF Training Workshop

The 2011 CM SAF Workshop will take place from 17 to 21 October 2011 at the DWD Meteorological Training and Conference Centre (BTZ) in Langen,…


CALMet is a forum to share experiences, expectations, and new ideas for applying emerging strategies for meteorology and hydrology education and training. The conference provides…